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老外中肯的魔方评测( 2~5阶) [复制链接]



Rank: 8Rank: 8



发表于 2009-2-9 09:18:05 |显示全部楼层 |倒序浏览
以下内容来自www.speedsolving.com hardware area置顶贴
Comparisions Between Cubes
Thanks to Lofty for the idea; hopefully this will reduce clutter.
Blank entries indicate I have not used the cube and/or don't have enough info on them.
Rubik's Cube
Pros:Widely available, cheap, reacts well to silicone lubricant.
Cons:Needs to be broken in, not good for cutting corners.
Notes:After breaking in, becomes very loose (sometimes looser than DIYs can be made)
Rubik's 25th Anniversary Cube
Pros:Reacts very well to silicone lubricant, turns easily after breaking in.
Cons:Needs to be broken in, not amazing for cutting corners.
Notes:After breaking in, becomes very loose (sometimes looser than DIYs can be made)
Rubik's DIY
Pros:Cuts corners well, turns easily.
Cons:Comparatively expensive, high shipping costs, center caps fall out easily.
Chinese DIYs(cube4you, 9spuzzles)
Pros:Cuts corners well, turns easily, indentations in center caps cause them to fall out less frequently.
Cons:High shipping costs, performance varies between type and cube color.
Notes:Comes in three different types: (a), (b), and (c). Some cubes only available in certain types. Many colors to choose from. Whiteand green cubes turn best, as well as some transparent cubes (WARNING: transparent cubes are NOT competition-legal)

Edison Cube
Pros:Cuts corners well, adjustable centers, turns easily
Cons:Only available in Korea (essentially).
Famwealth Magic Cube
Pros:No springs = higher turning speed.
Cons:Does not turn well, cannot cut corners.
Rubik's Revenge (pre-retooling)
Pros:Turns smoothly, cuts corners well, sides fairly balanced, reacts well to lube.
Cons:Needs to be broken in to have the 'pros', pieces may break easily, broken-in cubes are very loose.
Rubik's Revenge (retooled)
Pros:Turns smoothly, cuts corners reasonably well, very little breaking in time, sides fairly balanced, reacts well to lube.
Cons:Quality varies from cube to cube.
Studio 4x4x4 See Rubik's Revenge.
Eastsheen 4x4x4
Pros:Can be used for speedcubing out of the box, requires no lubing or sanding.
Cons:Prone to lock-ups, gradually becomes worse over time.
Notes:6cm in each dimension; smaller than the other 4x4x4 cubes. Purple replaces orange by default.
Rubik's Professor
Cons:Pieces may break; requires breaking in, may require sanding, outer layers don't turn as well as inner layers.
Notes:Can be broken in into an extremely nice cube, which is very comparable with Olympic Cubes and the Mefferts cubes.
Studio 5x5x5 See Rubik's 5x5x5.
Mefferts 5x5x5(Limited Edition)
Pros:Outer layers and inner layers turn equally well, adjustable + spring-loaded core.
Cons:Relatively expensive, odd color scheme (red vs. white), tiles fall off easily, LIMITED QUANTITY.
Mefferts 5x5x5(Collector's Special)
Pros:Outer layers and inner layers turn equally well, adjustable + spring-loaded core.
Cons:Relatively expensive, stickers need almost immediate replacement, tensions need to be very fine-tuned or risk wing pops, LIMITEDQUANTITY.
Eastsheen 5x5x5
Pros:Can be used for speedcubing out of the box, requires no lubing or sanding.
Cons:Becomes looser over time, becomes more prone to pops over time.
Notes:6cm in each dimension, much significantly smaller than other 5x5x5's, same size as Eastsheen 4x4x4. Purple replaces orange by default.
Eastsheen 2x2x2
Pros:Can be used for speedcubing out of the box, does not require lubing, improves over time, larger than other 2x2x2 cubes.
Cons:Cannot cut corners at first, possible after breaking in.
Notes:5 cm in each dimension. Purple replaces orange by default.
Rubik's Mini Cube / Junior
Cons:Pieces break relatively easily, hard to turn (even after lubing), falls apart often.
Notes:Very difficult to reassemble.
Rubik's Ice Cube
Pros:Looks neat, slightly smoother than the Rubik's Mini.
Cons:Pieces break relatively easily, falls apart often.
Notes:WARNING: this cube is NOT competition-legal.

[ 本帖最后由 tonylmd 于 2009-2-9 09:57 编辑 ]
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Rank: 8Rank: 8



发表于 2009-2-9 09:18:27 |显示全部楼层

cube4you A and D type diy comparison

REVISED:i have lubed and have done a fast adjustment on both cubes... and here are their more accurate properties (they are both white btw)
- about twice as resistive as a type d (the force it takes to turn) this is no great impairment
- smoother (no clicking) and easier to do a single double turn (one swift 180' on a face)
- heavier and feels a little more sturdy
- not as noisy
- more easily cuts cornersTYPE D:- when fully tightened is incredibly loose (more then a well tuned a me thinks)
- least resistance (lightning fast)- not as smooth, it clicks at every quarter turn
- less likely to pop AT LOW RESISTANCE
- lightweight
- noisier
DIRECT COMPARISON:while the type d is less likely to pop at low resistance (if a were at same resistance) i believe that when properly tuned the type a (at a higher resistance) actually feels sturdier and less likely to pop and an all around smoother weightier feel; when you are cutting a corner it also doesn't feel like you are about to compromise the hull integrity of the type a, the thing is thatthe type d will feel like its about to go, but will go farther than the type a before it actually pops (i feel the d sticks more as well.) one can adjust the type a much more to personal preference i.e. turning up resistance, although if your goal is to just get the least resistance possible that is the least likely to pop AT THAT RESISTANCE i would go with the type d; but in my opinion the type a just feels more secure in your hand and much smoother to turn, that is to say less variation in resistance. its up to personal preference but both are miles ahead of a month worked on BEATEN IN store bought cube every inch lubed with silicone, MUCH less variation of resistance on faces and lightning fast comparatively. plus you can do neat things with a diy like cut corners like crazy, adjust tension, things you would have never dreamed of doing on a store bought cube.
it should be noted that the cubes may change character over time and that given a proper tuning each of their properties could improve, if anything changes over the course of a couple of months and i decide to give them a better tune i may update the post.
*update*well i find myself using the type d more and more, it is my main cube, it just feels right when you treat it well, the steadier your hand the less likely it will lock up (not at all), i first saw the 'clicking' as an impairment and it actually results in more accurate turns, i have more fun with the type d; i guess it really is the all around better cube.

[ 本帖最后由 tonylmd 于 2009-2-9 09:50 编辑 ]
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