versionxp 发表于 2009-12-6 21:08:41



w_shangshang 发表于 2009-12-6 21:45:32


lamianbu 发表于 2009-12-6 22:16:26

Article E: Fewest Moves Solving
E1) Regulations are as described in Article A (Speed Solving).
Additional/special regulations for Fewest Moves Solving are described below.
E2) Procedure for Fewest Moves Solving:
E2a) The judge hands a scramble sequence to all competitors with a print of the scramble position. The judge starts the stopwatch and says 'Go'.
E2b) The competitor has 60 minutes total time for solving the scramble in as few moves as possible.
E2b1) A judge should announce the remaining time after 30 minutes, 50 minutes, 55 minutes and 59 minutes, and 'Stop' at 60 minutes.
E2c) At the end of the 60 minutes the competitor must have his solution written down clearly for the judge, notation according to Article 12. Penalty: disqualification of the solve.
E2d) The metric to measure the length of the solution, is Half Turn Metric.
E2e) The solution of the competitor must not be in any way related to the scrambling algorithm. Penalty: disqualification of the solve.
E2f) The competitor must be able to give a clear explanation of the solution.

E3) The competitor may use the following objects: paper and pen (both supplied by judge), 3 cubes (self supplied), unlimited coloured stickers (self supplied).
E3a) Penalty for using other objects: disqualification of the solve.  

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